Cinema program "Rak ti Khon Kaen" in Szczecin
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Runtime: 122 min.
Production: Tajlandia / Wielka Brytania / Niemcy / Francja / Malezja / Korea Południowa / Meksyk / USA / Norwegia , 2015
Category: drama / fantasy
Release Date: 10 February 2017
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty
Directed by: Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Cast: Jenjira Pongpas, Banlop Lomnoi, Jarinpattra Rueangram
Apichatpong Weerasethakul is the creator of the well known and appreciated not only by the world, but nowohoryzontową audience, including thanks to titles such as extreme cravings (NH 3), a tropical disease (NH 5), Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (NH 11) and Mekong Hotel (NH 12). His latest film at the Cannes festival in 2015 was in the prestigious Un Certain Regard section. Cemetery plot revolves around the splendor of the old school building, which was created by a hospital to care for the soldiers engrossed in a mysterious coma. Jenjira, also having health problems, reports to the institution as a volunteer. He is particularly interested in a soldier named Itt and that he devotes the most attention. With time Jenjira notes that establishes contact with him, and shortly afterwards a soldier regains consciousness. A simple narrative conceals a multidimensional story that is not amenable to easy and unambiguous interpretations. The inspiration for this story could be an incident a few years ago when, in unclear circumstances, 40 soldiers had been quarantined in a hospital in the north of Thailand. The director, using metaphors, talks about the situation in his country about the political turmoil, assassinations state violence and protests caused paralysis of the government. The work Weerasethakul is not only a political allegory, but also a trip to childhood and family village director, where the action takes his story.

Movie trailer: Rak ti Khon Kaen
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Dobry film, wielopiętrowa ale nieprzytłaczająca opowieść, w której pobrzmiewają echa filmów Tarkowskiego i dawno już zapomnianego latynoamerykańskiego książkowego realizmu magicznego, zresztą czego tam nie ma; kamera która zagapia się i zawiesza spojrzenie na wodę, ziemię, liście, chmury; śpiące postaci podebrane Almodovarowi i von Tryerowi, ale nie tylko im przecież, wyjęte z bajek, cudowne i oczywiste zarazem spotkanie świata bogów ze światem ludzi. Krzyżuje się czas i wymiary, kropla w tym Castanedy, ale i sporo ironii, dużo czułości. Bogowie i duchy są blisko ludzi, płyną w swoich światach równoległych, a ja miałam z oglądania tego wszystkiego dużą przyjemność.