Cinema program "What We Do in the Shadows" in Szczecin
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"What We Do in the Shadows"
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Runtime: 86 min.
Production: Nowa Zelandia , 2014
Category: comedy / horror
Release Date: 27 February 2015
Distribution: Mayfly
Directed by: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi
Cast: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh
A new movie poster "Boy" and "Flight of the Conchords" is an explosive mixture of horror and black comedy realized in the trendy mockumentu Convention. Viago (379 l.), Deacon (183 l.), Vladislav (862 l.) And Petar (8000 l.) Live together in the suburbs of contemporary Wellington, New Zealand. Their life begins only after dark, when the coffin and leave the den to face everyday life, which also happens to vampires uneasy. Immortality and the desire of fresh human blood has long since ceased to be their
main concern, because modernity poses new challenges before them. Accompanied by a group of filmmakers during everyday duties, minor quarrel or go out on the town the night that the brilliant humor remind us that even though their hearts have stopped beating centuries ago, continues to feed hot and very human feelings.

Movie trailer: What We Do in the Shadows
Your comments
Byłem, żaden z tego horror a i komedia jak dla mnie kiepska, nudny nie polecam.
Parodia tak wielu gatunków jednocześnie, że aż wyć się księżyca...z zachwytu! Bravo!
fajny film taki czlowiek
pogryzl psa w wydaniu wlada
jak by ktos chcial
poczytac to jest polski autor
Pilipiuk i jego np wampir z mo
Bardzo dobry! Zgadzam się z opinią "gościa" To nie tylko nowe spojrzenie na komedię, ale na tematykę wampirów w filmach!
Dddd - nie oceniaj filmu po trailerze. Moim skromnym zdaniem najlepszy film o wampirach jaki oglądałem (i najśmieszniejszy). Nie ma to jak świeże spojrzenie na komedię.