
Gurgacz. Kapelan Wyklętych

Directed by: Dariusz Walusiak

Cinema program "Gurgacz. Kapelan Wyklętych" in Szczecin

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Movie poster Gurgacz. Kapelan Wyklętych

Runtime: 76 min.
Production: Polska Category: documentary
Release Date: 2 March 2018
Distribution: Rafael

Directed by: Dariusz Walusiak

A film portrait of an extraordinary priest who did not hesitate to consistently follow the path of conscience in the darkest years of post-war Poland. Father Władysław Gurgacz, a Jesuit, was the chaplain of the Polish Underground Independence Army. He preached the truth in the time of enslavement, saved stray souls, led people to God. Following the voice of conscience, it lasted until the end with young soldiers who, with weapons in hand, opposed the communist regime. In 1939, at the beginning of his priestly path, before the image of Mary, Queen of Poland, he sacrificed himself for saving his beloved homeland. Eight years later he was sentenced to death.

"Gurgacz. Undeterred chaplain "is a poignant image at the interface between the document and the story. Archival photographs, priest's notes, and testimonies are intertwined with feature scenes, in which Wojciech Trela ​​created the great creation of the main character. The latest work by Dariusz Walusiak, co-founder of "Now and the hour of death", is not just a film record of a dramatic, true story. It is primarily a moving story about freedom, sacrifice for ideals and deep faith.

Average rate: 5.0
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Movie trailer: Gurgacz. Kapelan Wyklętych

Your comments

AB 13. March 2018, 7:15

"Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna – dewiza Wojska Polskiego. Wprowadzona po raz pierwszy na sztandary oddziałów Polskich Sił Zbrojnych na Zachodzie dekretem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej z 15 października 1943. Na współczesnych sztandarach wojskowych dewiza "Bóg, Honor i Ojczyzna" występuje na środkowym polu, na odwrocie orła, godła Polski". .... Więc coś ma wspólnego :)

FJ 7. March 2018, 11:24

Co ma chrześcijaństwo wspólnego z "uratowaniem Ojczyzny"?

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